Patrick Alexander Martin
Wzrost: 1.77 m
Waga: 90 kg
Miasto: Detroit, Michigan
Urodzony: 23-05-1983
Finisher: Shell Shock (Swinging Reverse STO), Shell Shock II (Swinging Fisherman Neckbreaker), Border City Stretch (Chickenwing over the shoulder ĐĄrossface)
Znane akcje: Shell Shock 2006, Shiranui (Springboard Somersault 3/4 Facelock Diving Reverse DDT), Yakuza Kick, Springboard Tornado DDT, Walk Up Knee Strike, It Came From Japan (Straightjacket Northern Lights Bomb), It Came From Japan II/2K1 Bomb (Cross-legged Brainbuster), @LX-Plex (Swinging Fisherman Suplex), Straight Jacket Lung Blower, Straight Jacket Neckbreaker, Bridging Straight Jacket Hold, Backpack Stunner (Stunner from piggyback position), Air Raid Crush, Springboard Moonsault, Springboard Back Elbow Smash, Superkick, Scarecrow Submission, Gutbuster, Cutthroat Octopus, Yakuza Kick, Backdrop Suplex, Slingshot Legdrop, Flying Forearm, Cross Knee Inverted Bulldog, Skull Fuck/Total Nonstop Alex (Repeatedly crushing opponent's face into ring with Headscissors), Piledriver, Top Rope Double Stomp to Head, Stretch Plum, Split to the Eye, Testicular Claw, Arm Bite, Slap, Low Blow, Toe Stomp, Abdominal Stretch/Running Dropkick/Neckbreaker Combo (with Sonjay Dutt), Double Superkick (with Chris Sabin), Repeated Legdrops Combo (with Chris Sabin), Diving Legdrop/Flying Splash Combo (with Chris Sabin)