John Felix Anthony Cena
Wzrost: 1.9 m
Waga: 118 kg
Miasto: West Newbury, Massechusettes
Urodzony: 23-04-1977
Finisher: F-U/Thuganomics 101 (Fireman's Carry Powerslam), STF-U (Step-over Toe-hold Facelock)
Znane akcje: The Proto-Bomb/Kill Switch/Blue Thunder Driver (Side Release Spin-out Powerbomb), Protoplex/Freestyle (Swinging Fisherman Buster), The Throwback (Running Neck Snap), Five Knuckle Shuffle, "You Can't See Me" Stalling Suplex, STF-U (Step-over Toe-hold Facelock), Missile Dropkick, Rapper Punch, Spinebuster, Steel Chain Attack, Sitout Hip Toss, Elbow Smash, Dropkick, Running Corner Attack, Flying Shoulder Block, Pump It Up, Swinging Fisherman Neckbreaker, Multiple Clotheslines, Drop Toe Hold